The 29 Content Connotations of HTML

A Content Connotation conveys the expression behind a phrase in a Content Block

Quote Connotation

A Quote Connotation conveys a phrase from another source

The syntax is a q element with the following attributes and child elements:


Dormant Connotation

A Dormant Connotation conveys a phrase that is currently not relevant or accurate

The syntax is an s element with the following attributes and child elements:


Deletion Connotation

A Deletion Connotation conveys a phrase that has been, technically, removed

The syntax is a del element with the following attributes and child elements:


Insertion Connotation

An Insertion Connotation conveys a phrase that has been technically added

The syntax is an ins element with the following attributes and child elements:


Abbreviation Connotation

An Abbreviation Connotation conveys a phrase that is a short form of one or more words

The syntax is an abbr element with the following attributes and child elements:


Vague Connotation

A Vague Connotation conveys a phrase that is unarticulated

The syntax is an u element with the following attributes and child elements:


Idiom Connotation

An Idiom Connotation conveys a phrase that has a meaning different from its basic meaning

The syntax is an i element with the following attributes and child elements:


Cite Connotation

A Cite Connotation conveys a phrase as the title of a work

The syntax is a cite element with the following attributes and child elements:


A Hyperlink Connotation conveys a phrase as the label for a resource address

The syntax is a a element with the following attributes and child elements:


Note: An Hyperlink Connotation has an equivalent Hyperlink Card for out-of-inline contents

Label Connotation

A Label Connotation conveys a phrase as the name for any of the following:

The syntax is a label element with the following attributes and child elements:

<label for="[id]"></label>

Definiendum Connotation

A Definiendum Connotation conveys a defining term as the subject of a definition.

The defining term is the first valid item in the following list:

The syntax is a dfn element with the following attributes and child elements:


Strong Connotation

A Strong Connotation conveys a phrase that is the subject of a discussion

The syntax is a strong element with the following attributes and child elements:


Keyword Connotation

A Keyword Connotation conveys a phrase that is notable in a discussion

The syntax is a b element with the following attributes and child elements:


Emphasis Connotation

An Emphasis Connotation conveys a phrase that is a reassertion

The syntax is an em element with the following attributes and child elements:


Mark Connotation

A Mark Connotation conveys a phrase that is relevant in another context

The syntax is a mark element with the following attributes and child elements:


Small Connotation

A Small Connotation conveys a phrase that is a side comment

The syntax is a small element with the following attributes and child elements:


Ruby Connotation

A Ruby Connotation conveys a ruby annotation through the following components:

Ruby Annotation Wrapper

The Ruby Annotaion Wrapper relates the inline contents to annotate, Ruby Annotation Texts, and Ruby Annotation Parenthesis.

The syntax is a ruby element with the following attributes and child elements:

  • Zero or one count for each Global Attribute

  • Either of the following:

    • One ruby element excluding descendant ruby elements

    • Zero or more counts for each Phrasing Content Element. But, excluding sibling and descendant ruby elements

  • Either of the following:


Ruby Annotation Text

A Ruby Annotation Text relates the annotation

The syntax is an rt element with the following attributes and elements:


Ruby Annotation Parenthesis

A Ruby Annotation Parenthesis relates a text to signify lack of user agent support for Ruby Annotations

The syntax is an rp element with the following attributes and content:


Superscript Connotation

A Superscript Connotation conveys a phrase as an overline for preceding contents

The syntax is a sup element with the following attributes and child elements:


Subscript Connotation

A Subscript Connotation conveys a phrase as an underline for preceding contents

The syntax is a sub element with the following attributes and child elements:


Bidirection Connotation

A Bidirection Connotation conveys a phrase with bidirectional formating

It can be a Bidirectional Isolation (BDI) or a Bidirectional Override (BDO)

BDI Connotation

A BDI Connotation isolates inline content from its surroundings with an automatic bidirectional formatting

The syntax is a bdi element with the following attributes and child elements:


BDO Connotation

A Bi-Directional Override Connotation conveys a phrase with an explicit bidirectional formatting.

The syntax is a non-void element with the following attributes and child elements:


Progress Connotation

A Progress Connotation conveys a phrase as an undergoing computer event

The syntax is a progress element with the following attributes and child elements:


Input Connotation

An Input Connotation conveys a phrase as a computer input

The syntax is a kbd element with the following attributes and child elements:


Time Connotation

A Time Connotation conveys a phrase that has a time-readable format

The syntax is a time element with the following attributes and child elements:


Data Connotation

The Data Connotation conveys a phrase that has a machine-readable format

The syntax is a data element with the following attributes and child elements:


Meter Connotation

A Meter Connotation conveys a phrase that is a scalar measurement within a known range

The syntax is a meter element with the following attributes and child elements:


Variable Connotation

A Variable Connotation conveys a phrase with a varying value

The syntax is a var element with the following attributes and child elements:


Code Connotation

A Code Connotation conveys a phrase that is a computer instruction

The syntax is a code element with the following attributes and child elements:


Output Connotation

An Output Connotation conveys a phrase that is the result of a computer instruction

The following are 2 variants of an Output Connotation depending on the time of output:

Immediate Output Connotation

An Immediate Output Connotation relates a just-concluded result

The syntax is an output element with the following attributes and child elements:


Previous Output Connotation

A Previous Output Connotation relates a previously concluded result

The syntax is a samp element with the following attributes and child elements:


General Connotation

A General Connotation conveys a phrase with a custom connotation

The syntax is a span element with the following attributes and child elements:
