The 13 Content Mixes of HTML

A Content Mix specifies a set of Content Blocks, called passage, for a Content Part.

A simple Content Mix is a Content Card while a compound Content Mix is a Content Layer

General Card

A General Card represents a passage with no initial purpose

The syntax is a div element with the following attributes and child elements:



Anchor Card

An Anchor Card represents a passage that is a label for an hyperlink

The syntax is an a element with the following attributes and child elements:



Quote Card

A Quote Card represents a passage from another source

The syntax is a blockquote element with the following attributes and child elements:



Address Card

An Address Card represents a passage of contact information for authors of the nearest ancestor Article Section. If no such ancestor, it's for authors of the web document

The syntax is an address element with the following attributes and child elements:



Deletion Card

A Deletion Card represents a passage with a removal hint

The syntax is a del element with the following attributes and child elements:



Insertion Card

An Insertion Card represents a passage with an addition hint

The syntax is an ins element with the following attributes and child elements:



Figure Card

A Figure Card represents a passage with no running text.

The syntax is a figure element with the following attributes and child elements:



Map Card

A Map Card represents a passage with a set of area coordinates for managing regions of a raster image.

The syntax is a map element with the following attributes and child elements:

<map name="[identifier]">


A Search Card represents a passage with a set of Content Forms for discovering information

The syntax is a search element with the following attributes and child elements:



Form Card

A Form Card represents an hyperlink to submit associated Content Forms. A Content Form associates to a Form Card as a child content or by targeting the Card's ID

The syntax is a form element with the following attributes and child elements:



Enumeration Layer

An Enumeration Layer represents a passage as an item in an ordered list (ol), unordered list (ul), or unordered command list (menu)

The syntax is an ol element, ul element, or menu element with the following attributes and child elements

<!-- ordered list -->


<!-- unordered list -->


<!-- unordered command list -->


Description Layer

An Description Layer represents a passage and its title as an item in an unordered term-description list

The syntax is a dl element with the following attributes and child elements:



Tabular Layer

A Tabular Layer represents a passage as a cell in a 2 dimensional content

The syntax is a table element with the following attributes and child elements:

